hello friends and haters

my name is Jez (jezrelneedateam, zeJ, Cridixer, Gamer plays games.)

this is a website dedicated to me and my friends

Last update: March 3rd 2025 / 04:45 AM

People i expect to see this website:

People that could possibly see this website:

Special thanks:


For being the guiding light,
The one who brightens the mood,
The one who you can rely on,
The one who introduces to peak,
The one who makes references i don't understand,
The one who likes mid and peak at the same time,
The one master manipulator and friend of all friends.
But truly.
Thank you for being THE one and only, king of smug gc.
One mexican to rule them all.


For sticking with me for 6 years (and counting)
For being the only friend ive hated and loved,
For One ball, Fabious files, TGM, Ambd, Jez Lunge,
For the times we had in 5th grade,
For the escape rooms we did together,
For the laughs we've had together,
For introducing me to project jojo and jjba,
And for everything thats happened in the last 6 years.
It wouldnt be the same without you.


For letting me work on FTGD,
For forgiving an unforgivable act,
For teaching me that not everything is worthy of hate,
For being yourself and the person i couldnt be,
For 12 am,
And for being a great friend despite our differences.
You'll be one of the goods in the world of evil.


For being the greatest leader,
For showing me I'm not alone,
For creating TSD,
For the events and raids,
For the operations and wars,
For everything clan related, you are the one to thank.
Glory to the specialists division.

Minor thanks


For lowkey just being there but also not being there at the same time,
For being a necessary part of every group chat,
For mega drive, perturbator, hollywood burns and street cleaner which are all on my playlist.
And many more things that dont come to mind right now.
Either way, you are a friend.


Why so high smoke?
Maroon u lowkey chill as fuck bruh,
u just playing too many cc games,
thanks for playing rgd with us, even if it was rare,
thanks for being the only friend who hasnt pissed me off,
aswell as things that i cant remember right now.

may my nigga maroon be blessed with bountiful quantities of weed


oooo makarenka.


For being yakuzer vladdy,
for mickey mouse peanuts,
for lisa and painful,
Ok, keep bullying me.
Vlad ur lowkey just awesome bro.

03:00 AM, 5th of March, 2025

Chapter 0: Introductions

0.1: Why am i even making this website?

honestly, i dont know it felt so abrupt to leave without informing everyone but honestly my lifes just been a scramble of abrupt projects, ambitions and wants. and one of those wants is making a small little website to house my thoughts about all this, and the upcoming future. i'll use this website as a journal to house my thoughts, ideas, inspirations, plans, anything really. but mostly its just to leave a piece of myself behind, so it doesnt get forgotten like everything else. i also want to document my journey somehow, and let everyone see how im doing.

0.2: Why aren't you online anymore?

Me and my father have had no luck leading a succesfull life in our home country. I've been falling behind on school, my father isn't able to get a job, financial struggles, disagreements, allat. We thought fuck this country its given us nothing but pain and suffering, its time we take our lives into our hands, and not be controlled by anyone. So we planned, on my 16th birthday, (March 11th 2025) thats when we move. And so we did. But moving comes at a price, it means starting over again. Back to the beginning, but thats alright. its not forever, i'm not quitting the internet, i never said i did. But i am taking a "Break" from playing games and such.

0.3: When are you coming back?

Wishful thinking tells me 3 months, reality tells me i wont have time for games. I'll be back eventually.

0.4: What about ur music!!!!

I dont want to give up on music but without a pc i wont be able to create it either, this is basically the same as 0.3

Chapter 1: Entry Point

1.1: Well this is something new indeed

i've always wanted to keep a log of all my thoughts but writing in a journal is lowkey a pain in the ass, i wonder how this place will look a month from now. meh it probably wont be all that, i shouldnt treat this as some magnum opus. anyways, alot of stuff has been bothering me mainly how fucking lazy i am, genuienly i have a game that is like 95% finished and i cant even muster up the courage to open roblox studio and work on it for like an hour just so its done like its seriously pissing me off how im that pathetic. and the worst part is i'll acnowledge that but i still wont do anything to fix it like brehhh.

1.1 Notes

Crime and Punishment